Human-predator conflict is a primary driver of predator declines worldwide and can inflict substantial costs on local communities. Resolving and mitigating these conflicts is therefore of primary concern to predator conservation and human livelihoods. One main point of conflict is brought about by livestock depredation by predators.
Most of the attacks on livestock take place at night when predators enter weak livestock enclosures (bomas).
The weak traditional bomas are made of shrubs and are easy for predators to enter and kill livestock.
This in turn leads to retaliatory attacks by communities where they poison or physically attack the predators. This leads to the indiscriminate killing of predators.

Sheep & goats killed by predators inside a weak traditional boma

Cows inside a weak traditional boma
Realizing the danger that livestock depredation causes on both human livelihoods and the predators, our Mara Predator Conservation Programme (MPCP) embarked on finding solutions to the problem. The solution is putting up predator-proof bomas in areas that have been identified as conflict hot-posts.
The modern bomas that we build are made of recycled plastic poles which are sustainable and further reinforced using chain-link and barbed wire.
The posts are made of recycled plastic waste which is collected around Nairobi.
This is a win-win solution for the predators and the communities. Areas, where we have put up the bomas, have recorded zero depredation cases and this is a clear indication that this intervention works.

Boma construction ongoing

Cows inside a strong recycled-plastic boma
So far, with financial support from the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), World Wildlife Fund for Nature – Kenya (WWF-Kenya) & Nature Kenya, MPCP has built a total of 58 predator-proof bomas. The bomas have been built in areas that have been identified as conflict hot-spots.
Our continued efforts are aimed at protecting the livelihoods of people living with predators while at the same time, saving predators.
Support the building of more recycled plastic poles bomas in the Mara and prevent human-predator conflict in the Mara. Click below to find ways to donate