Page 2 - KWT-2019-Annual-Report_Web-Version
P. 2

Letter from Executive Director

        As I write this letter, the world is facing  value proposition: ‘Driven by science,
        one of the greatest health threats of        focused on people’, a statement
        our generation, a pandemic whose             that encompasses KWT’s values and
        impacts have been felt across the            main objective. At the end of 2019, a
        globe affecting all its citizens and         decision was made to close down our
        economies. As the situation evolves,         US registered charity; FoKWT (US). We
        the safety of our team and the               have now partnered with Empowers
        communities we serve is our number           Africa, a U.S. public charity under IRC
        one priority. Like most sectors across       Section 501(c)(3), who will work with
        the world, conservation has been hit         KWT to provide a cost-effective and
        hard by the COVID-19 pandemic;               long-term solution to fundraising in the
        lockdown measures have prevented             United States. This new development
        many of our partners from reaching           will make the donation process easier
        those who rely on their support,             for you while allowing us to focus our
        much work is on hold and funding is          efforts and energies on doing the
        uncertain. At KWT, some of our field         work that matters most - conserving
        activities have been postponed or            Kenya’s predators. We are grateful to
        cancelled. Most of our work has shifted  our outgoing US Trustees* who have
        online and we have reassessed our            supported and championed KWT’s
        programmatic work to fit into this new       work over the past ten years.
        normal. Our thoughts remain with the
        communities and individuals, most            The current pandemic has caused all
        deeply hit by COVID-19, and to the           of us to regroup and think about how
        many more who have, and continue             conservation is run across the world.
        to be affected by the economic               One thing is clear; it can never be
        repercussions inflicted by this              business as usual. For wildlife to be
        pandemic.                                    secure and to thrive, it is imperative
                                                     that the communities who coexist with
        2019 was a year of progress for KWT;         this wildlife are resilient to external
        we reviewed our overall strategy             pressures that affect their livelihoods.
        highlighting four key priorities which       KWT believes that local communities
        will guide our programmes going              are the best stewards of their land
        forwards. These priorities are discussed  and the wildlife which live on these
        further in this report. We further           lands. In 2020, we will pay particular
        developed communications and                 focus on working with communities
        fundraising strategies, and redesigned  in the following ways; scaling up our
        our website. The most significant            conservation leadership programme
        outcome was the development of our           and, developing sustainable livelihood
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